Monday, March 2, 2009

RTG Graduate Summer School

Geometry of Quantum Fields and Strings UPenn, Philadelphia, June 8-20, 2009 University of Pensylvania Research Training Group in Mathematical Physics and the Math/Physics Research Group (MPRG) are organizing the 2009 RTG Graduate Summer School 'Geometry of quantum fields and strings', that will take place on the campus of the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, June 8-20, 2009. This two week workshop will serve as a boot camp for training young researchers who are currently enrolled in mathematics or physics graduate programs in US institutions. The students accepted to the workshop will be trained in current exciting research directions interfacing algebraic geometry, quantum field theory, geometric representation theory, algebraic topology, and string theory. The students will be split into mentoring groups each of which will meet every afternoon with a math or physics faculty mentor who will guide them through interesting results and problems on a specific research chosen topic. In addition the mentors will give one or more morning lectures on current research accomplishments in mathematical physics.

Interested students should apply by filling the Online Application Form The deadline for applications is April 30, 2009. Please make sure to provide the email address of your Ph.D. adviser or any other approriate faculty member who can write a reference letter for you.

Monday, December 8, 2008

A short Review in Modern Mathematics

This is the lecture notes from Mat280. I typed the notes and Schwarz revised it. The lecture notes contain the following topics:
  1. Categories
  2. Metric and Topological Spaces
  3. Differential Calculus
  4. Lie algebra and Lie groups
  5. Homotopy theory
  6. Vector bundles and Connections
  7. G-structure
  8. Noncommutative Geometry
  9. Algebraic Geometry and Arithmetic Geometry.

The lecture note is now available at

Hopefully you can enjoy it. If you have any question, please tell me.

First Article

This is my new blog for my friend who do not understand Chinese. Maybe it's time for me to share my feelings in English now.